April 28 2023
CNN was on. I saw something about a non-binary girl who wore a suit to her school prom was denied entry for wearing a suit. Immediately, I thought nothing of it, but seeing her wolf cut style made me feel like it was ridiculous that she was upset. And I know, I’d get a lot of hate for it, but oh well. I already feel like a dumbass for it so please spare me the hate.
Similar thing happened for a kid who wore a Let’s Go Brandon shirt at school. He was asked to remove it. The event itself, I thought nothing of it. I just think it’s a little annoying whenever I hear about some teenage kid screaming “freedom of speech.” I’m not against free speech or anything but it’s just a little annoying. It sounds like “muh freedom of speech” to me.
Whenever I see “Let’s Go Brandon” on cars and such, I don’t think anything. I know what it means, but eh.
I am certain that the world would hate me for this entry. I’m certain of that. Makes me wanna off myself, haha. No, I mainly feel like offing myself for feeling like an absolute stupid dumb idiot for this, and like all the other kids are just smarter than me.
Man, even the people who discussed the whole dress code thing were being smarter than me. So much more open minded and tolerant than I am.
On another note, I hate the whole goth girlfriend meme. It’s so damn annoying, dude. “Big titty goth girl friend” dude shut the fuck up, holy shit.
On another note, r/teenagers fucking sucks dude. I actually used to browse that subreddit when I was younger... shudder. Nobody there is funny, at all.
Out my thoughts go, they swing around like boomerangs and back they come to me to hit me in the face. I feel like a moron for all of this. I feel tempted to say I’m just a moron. Makes me wanna hate myself. Hating these other things feels pretty good, though, as edgy as that sounds.
I swear it makes me feel like a stupid, stupid, stupid dumb idiot. I just wanna call myself a moron. I get offended and hurt by everything, dude. It makes me feel lesser.
I even feel ridiculous for all of this, for feeling this upset. I can imagine someone looking at me and saying “quit overreacting.”
Man dude, I just hate the new aesthetics that girls and guys use today. E-girl shit particularly. Surprise surprise! I feel like a stupid idiot for that.
I really hope someone out there sympathizes with me on all of this.
EVERYTHING makes me feel like a stupid idiot. Everything! Everything about myself! Even how I don’t like how autism is such a meme.
Maybe if I never did that stupid drug, I wouldn’t feel this way. I’d be happier. Way happier
I’ll just play The Escapists or something. Maybe I’ll feel better.