
NAME: Cyber Center

AGE: 20 (earth years)

SEX: Male


Hey, thanks for visiting. I'm currently a twenty year-old college student looking to go into environmental science. I made this website originally for my HYPERTEXT artist name, but decided to convert it to a personal website.

There's probably not a whole lot to me, and honestly, I'm probably pretty flawed. Everyone is flawed, yes, but I feel particularly flawed. I'll save this for the journal entries. I don't have any major interests like everyone else on NeoCities, but I at least have some hobbies like drawing, dancing, writing, etc. I don't engage in them too much, though.

I hope you like my website. Have a good day.

Further Information

- Music (many different kinds)
- Drawing (I draw mainly scenes like lanscapes and urban environments)
- Writing (not very often)
- Jumpstyle dancing
- Making music (I make stuff like ambient, drum n bass, slushwave, and this little genre I came up with called Noisedream not anymore. I've slowed down and haven't been very active when it comes to making music, though. Made a couple tracks recently.)
- Driving around (sometimes I drive too much and waste a lot of time)
- Working on my website (even though I really don't know how to code, a lot of this was copy-pasted, lol.)